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2020 Candidates for AFT-ACC Executive Committee
Click on candidate photo to view candidate statements
Candidates for President
Pablo Rodriguez
AFT 2121
Geoff Johnson
AFT 1931
Candidate for Vice-President
Bill Lipkin
AFT 2222
Candidate for Secretary
Candidate for Treasurer
Candidates for Members-at-Large, Four-Year Institutions
Arnold Korotkin
AFT 6025
Candidates for members-at-Large, Two-Year Institutions
Grace Chee
AFT 1521
Jefferey Baker
AFT 2842
Leonard Winogora
AFT 2222
Candidate for Communications Officer
Carlynne Albee
AFT 1931
Linda Sneed
AFT 2279
Candidate for Organizing Officer
Arnie Schoenberg
AFT 1931
Bobbi-Lee Smart
AFT 6106, 6215,1521
Candidates for Members-at-large, Private Institutions
Candidate for Member-at-Large,
Central United States
David Albert
AFT 6249
Candidates for Members-at-Large Eastern States
Nancy Merrill
AFT 2222
Candidates for Members-at-Large Western States
John Govsky
AFT 4400
Scott Douglas
AFT 6161
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