Carlynne Albee
AFT 1931
Candidate for Member-at-large, Two-year Institutions
Candidate Statement
Voting for me is a vote for a long time Adjunct who has made a point of getting problems solved that everyone else just complains about. I have been teaching as an Adjunct at SDCCD’s Mesa College since 1982. During that time, I have:
· Pushed for us to be able to contact our students the week before classes started to tell them what book to buy, read the first chapter, etc.
· Flex system: Convinced Administration to treat Adjuncts with the same equality as Contract Faculty, allowing us to have the entire school year to complete the hours.
· Organized several workshops for Adjuncts covering such subjects as 1) STRS: Retire and keep teaching 2) Yes, you might be able to also collect Social Security 3) Medicare, STRS and Adjuncts
· Realizing that a glitch in the calendar meant Adjuncts would not get paid until February while Contract Faculty would be paid in January, helped fight Administration and gave AFT Guild 1931 the information they needed to correct the situation.
· I will fight just as hard in AFT-ACC for Adjuncts.
Ø The most important issue to me within AFT-ACC is fighting to get the Social Security WEP and GPO repealed.
Carlynne Allbee