Bobbi-Lee Smart
AFT 6106, 6215, 1521
Candidate for Member-at-Large, Two-Year Institutions
Candidate Statement
My name is Bobbi-Lee Smart and I am running for the position of AFT-ACC Member-at-Large Two-Year Institutions because making these institutions more equitable for adjunct/contingent faculty has been my mission for the last 3 years. I have been an adjunct in the community college system for just over 5 years. Once I realized what was happening in higher education and the level of exploitation I knew I could not stay quiet. I became involved with my local, speaking at BOT meetings. I then ran for office and was elected as the Vice-President of Part-Time Faculty in my local. I am now the Executive Director of Adjunct Faculty United, the part-time only local in North Orange County California.
I received my Ed.D. last August; my dissertation was about the experiences of involuntary adjuncts (those who want FTTT positions but cannot find them). I also explored how having high levels of adjuncts on a campus affect the campus as a whole and how we could improve the issues created by the growing numbers of adjuncts. I have shared my research with Statewide officials and CFT leaders in an effort to improve adjunct work conditions. I have participated on AFT panels about adjunct faculty, presented at sociology conferences, and spoken with statewide leaders as a CA democratic party delegate. Advocacy for adjuncts is my life's mission and I look forward to advocating for adjuncts throughout the country, not just here in CA. What affects one of us affects all of us. In Unity.