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Linda Sneed

AFT 2279

Candidate for Communications Officer

Candidate Statement

Two years ago, I joined the AFT-ACC board. Since then, I have tried to be useful in Caucus projects to serve contingent/adjunct faculty throughout the country. In 2003, after 9 years as a contingent academic laborer within the underclass of graduate employees at major research institutions, I became a part-time community college instructor of English in California. I happily took advantage of my first opportunity to be a union member and, within a few years, had begun serving as a representative in my local. I have gradually taken on more leadership roles to serve all part-time faculty throughout our four-college district, more than 1,200 people. I was also instrumental in helping form the first-ever caucus within my local, the LRCFT Part-Time Faculty Caucus, connecting rank-and-file members to each other and to elected union leadership to increase our voice and power.


I have served on the Executive Council of my state affiliate, the CFT, for the past 6 years, both learning and helping shape how part-time/contingent faculty fit into the union. I care about all the issues facing contingent education workers: lack of adequate job security, inadequate access to health insurance, inequitable pay, sub-standard infrastructural support and paid professional development opportunities, and disrespectful treatment by colleagues. I believe in advocating for our interests while forging ties of solidarity with all those with whom our struggle is intertwined.


My interest in this office is rooted in my values: purposeful struggle, clarity, honesty, direct communication, conscientiousness, and courage.

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