CFT 2020 Campus Equity Week Campaign

This is the Campus Equity Week social media campaign announcement that the CFT Campus Equity Week Committee put together (see below the signout). Officially, we mark Campus Equity Week as being October 26th-30th, but given the challenges of COVID, we are encouraging people to worry less about the date, and more about the message that needs to get out. We ask that you circulate this announcement (below in italics) via email and facebook. Your getting the message out is vital to the campaign's success.
In solidarity,
The CFT Campus Equity Week Committee
Bobbi-Lee Smart, Cerritos College
Grace Chee, West Los Angeles College
Geoff Johnson, San Diego Mesa College
Dear Adjunct Faculty or Friends of Adjunct/Contingent Faculty,
In honor of Campus Equity Week, and to raise awareness about the social injustice adjunct/contingent faculty face every day, the California Federation of Teachers Part-time Committee, is asking everyone to adopt the hashtag #classcanceled.
Classes get canceled for a variety of reasons, like
budget cuts
low enrollment
seniority and bumping rights, at the beginning of the semester.
Sometimes Adjunct faculty have to cancel a class for the day because professors
Get sick
Run into car accidents, or
other personal emergencies.
COVID-19 has made life challenging for all, but especially for adjunct faculty and their teaching and working conditions. Adjunct faculty are the first to
Lose classes
Lose their income
Spend money out of pocket for teaching supplies and equipment to teach remotely
Pay for their own healthcare/health insurance or neglect their health because they cannot afford it
Fall into poverty
Fall homeless
Higher education in California and across the country has failed our adjunct professors. Classes are getting canceled. Higher education is getting canceled. If faculty cannot get healthcare during a covid-19 worldwide crisis, when can they achieve healthcare? How can one of the richest countries in the world look the other way, while faculty are not covered. How can California not provide their most fundamental workers, faculty, who teach the next generation of students, with one of the most basic, fundamental human rights, access and coverage for healthcare.
To raise awareness for these issues we ask that members change their Facebook Frame to the Campus Equity Week Frame. To do this go click to edit your profile picture. One of the options will be “Add Frame”. Once you click add frame a search bar will come up. Search for “Campus Equity Week” and the frame with the red circle that says “Equity for Adjunct Faculty” is the one you want to click on. You can set it to only stay for a week, so after CEW the frame will be removed from your photo.
We also ask that members and locals share their adjunct stories to their social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) using the hashtag #classcanceled. If a member wants to share their story but remain anonymous have them send a private message or email to your local and share the story to your feed without using their name or other identifying markers. Retweet and repost your members’ stories on your feed (but always ask permission first if their pages are private) as well as other stories of members not in your local if you come across them on your feed. You can send stories to Geoff Johnson at to share on the AFT-ACC (AFT Adjunct/Contingent Caucus) website and the blog “Adjunct Crisis.”
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